7 Eylül 2008 Pazar


Film Yildizi Alman Coban Kopekleri

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"Tough Guy"dan bir fotograf daha.. iki resim arasindaki kopeklere dikkat edin

Onceden "Flah" in oynamasina karar verilen filmde daha sonra "Rin Tin Tin Junior" in oynadigi soylenir.

Rin Tin Tin in 1932'd olumunden sonra Lee Duncan beyaz perdeye "Rin Tin Tin Jr" i tanistirdi ve 1930'dan itibaren filmlerde rol almaya basladi..

"Pride of the Legion" (1932)
"The Wolf Dog" (1933)
"Law of the Wild" (1934) -
"The Test" (1935) -
"Skull and Crown" (1935)
"Caryl of the Mountains" (1936)
"The Adventures of Rex and Rinty" (1935) -
"Vengeance of Rannah" (1936) -
"Tough Guy " (1936)
"The Silver Trail" (1937) -
"Fangs of the Wild" (1938) -
"Death Goes North" (1939) -
"Law of the Wolf" (1941)

1920 - 1930 yillari arasinda beyaz perdelerde rol almis diger kopeklerden bazilari:


Strongheart (Etzel von Oeringer) 1917-1929
Filmleri: "The Silent Call" (1921), Brawn of the North" (1922), The Love Master" (1924), White Fang" (1925), North Star" (1925), The Return of Boston Blackie" (1927)

Ve belki de en ünlüsü:


Rin-Tin-Tin (1918-1932).

Rintintin 1918 de Fransa'da terkedilmis bir "savas kopekleri istasyonu"ndan kurtarilmis , Rinty olarak sinemalara girmis ve 2 duzineden fazla sessiz sinemada rol almis..

Filmlerinden bazilari: "The Man from Hell’s River" (1922)
"My Dad" (1922)
"Where the North Begins" (1923)
"Shadows of the North" (1923)
"Hello Frisco" (1924) (a 10 minute short)
"Find your Man" (1924)
"The Lighthouse by the Sea" (1925)
"Clash of the Wolves" (1925)
"Tracked in the Snow Country" (1925)
"Below the Line" (1925)
" The Night Cry" (1926)
" A Hero of the Big Snow" (1926)
"While London Sleeps" (1926)
"Hills of Kentucky" (1927)
"Jaws of Steel" (1927)
"Tracked by the Police" (1927)
"A Dog of the Regiment" (1927)
"A Race for Life" (1928)
"Rinty of the Desert" (1928)
"Land of the Silver Fox" (1928)
" The Famous Warner Brothers Dog Star" (1928) (a short)
"The Million Dollar Collar" (1929)
"Frozen River" (1929) and seven Barkies.

"The Show of Shows" (1929)
" Tiger Rose" (1929)
"The Man Hunter" (1930)
"On the Border" (1930)
"Rough Waters" (1930)
"The Lone Defender" (1930)
"The Lightning Warrior" (1931)

Rin tin tin 10 agustos 1932 de 14 yasinda iken ölmüs ve California'da Mr. Duncan'in evinde bir mezar yapilmis.

Rin-Tin-Tin, Jr." Jackie Cooper ile "Tough Guy" (1936)

Wolfheart" in "Fangs of Wolfheart" (1925)

"The Big Stunt" (1925)
"Wolfheart's Revenge" (1925)
"Courage of Wolfheart" (1925)
"Fangs of Wolfheart" (1925)


"Baited Trap" (1926)
"West of the Law" (1926) -
"Sheriff's Girl (1926)
"The Range Riders" (1927)
"Riders of the West" (1927)


Flaming Fury" (1926) -
"Flashing Fangs" (1926) -
"Ranger of the North" (1927) -
"Swift Shadow" (1927)
"When a Dog Loves" (1927) -
"Outlaw Dog" (1927) -
"Breed of Courage" (1927) -
"A Flame in the Sky" (1927)
"The Law of Fear" (1928) -
"Fangs of the Wild" (1928) -
"Dog Law" (1928) -
"Dog Justice" (1928)
"Tracked" (1928) -
"When Dreams Come True" (1929) -
"The One Man Dog" (1929) -
"Fury of the Wild" (1929)


"Honor" (192?)
"Claws" (192?)
"Fangs" (192?)
"Rage" (192?)
"Speed" (1924)
"Instinct" (192?)
"Vengeance" (192?)
"Lure of the Wild" (1925)
"Blitz" (1926)


"King of the Dog Stars"

"The Thirteenth Hour" (1927)

A scene from "The Danger Zone" (1928)

"Peacock Alley" (1922)
"The Silent Hero" (1927)
"The Thirteenth Hour" (1927)
"The Danger Patrol" (1928)


"The Sky Rider" (1927)
"The Silent Sentinel" (1929)

"Peter the Great"

"Peter the Great" Eleanor Boardman ile
"The Silent Accuser" (1924)

"Peter" eger bir trajedi ile karsilasmasaydi en az "Rin Tin Tin" ve "Strongheart" kadar unlu olabilecek bir Alman Coban Kopegi idi. Peter 1920 lerin basinda sahibi ve arkadasi olan Edward Faust tarafindan Almanya'dan getirildi. Kucuk bazi sahnelerde ve filmlerde rol aldi bu sirada iyice egitildi ve "Thunder ve Strongheart" gibi daha yeteneklerini gosterebilecek duzeye geldi. Sonunda The Silent Accuser" (1924) de basrolde yer aldi.

Ve bir trajedi gerceklesmeseydi Peter sinema kariyerinde hizla ilerleyecekti.

6 Haziran 1926 da Peter, Edward ve bir kaç arkadasi bir parti icin yola ciktilar. Yolda Edward bir arkadasinin evine ugramaya karar verdi. (Fred Cyriacks) Fred Peter ile oynamayi seven ve Peter'in da sevdigi biriydi. Edwart kapiya gitti ve zili caldi. Arkadasi cevap verdi. Aniden Edwart'tan ve arkadasindan cikan yuksek sesler havayi doldurdu. Edwart'in arkadasi eve girdi ve elinde bir tufekle geri dondu. Edwart da arabaya dogru kostu ve araci surmeye basladi. Aniden bir atis aracin arkasindan iceri girdi. Ve sonra bir tane daha, Edwart'in kafasi hizasinda geliyordu. Peter birseylerin ters gittigini anladi ve Edwart'a dogru atildi. Ve kursun onun boynuna isabet etti. Peter hastanede 3 gun 2 gece uzman kisiler tarafindan kurtarilmaya calisildi ancak Edwart'in kollarinda öldü.

9 Aralik 1927 de Cyriacks, Los Angeles temyiz mahkemesi tarafindan, Ünlü bir Alman Coban Kopegini öldürmekten $125,000.00 para cezasina carptirildi..

Peter'in basrol oynayabildigi filmler:

"The Silent Accuser" (1924)
"Wild Justice" (1925)
"Sign of the Claw" (1926)
"King of the Pack" (1926)

Wild Justice" (1925)


"The Call of the Wilderness" (1926)
"Code of the Northwest" (1926)
"Avenging Fangs" (1927)


The Wonder Police Dog"

"Wolf's Trail" (1927)
"Fangs of Destiny" (1927)
"The Hound of Silver Creek" (1928)
"The Call of the Heart" (1928)
"The Four Footed Ranger" (1928)


"The Dog Marvel"

"Thunder" in "Wings of the Storm" (1926)

" Black Lightning" (1924)
"The Silent Pal" (1925)
"His Masters Voice" (1925)
"The Phantom of the Forest" (1926)
"Wings of the Storm" (1926)
"The Silent Avenger" (1927)
"Wolf Fangs" (1927)

"White Fawn"

Billed as"The Screens only White Police Dog"

and co-starred with "Thunder" in
"His Masters Voice (1925) - "The Phantom of the Forest" (1926) - "Wolf Fangs" (1927


"Rex" aktör Art Acord ile 1920'lerde bir duzineden fazla filmde rol aldi.
Acord'un kendisi kariyeri boyunca yuzden fazla filmde rol almistir fakat gunumuzde bunlarin neredeyse tamami kaybolmustur.

"The Oregon Trail" (1925)
"Three in Exile" (1925)
"The Circus Cyclone" (1925)
"The Wild Girl" (1925)
"The Silent Guardian" (1925)
"Pals" (1925)
"The Call of Courage" (1925)

"Sky High Corral" (1926)
"Rustlers Ranch" (1926)
"The Scrappin' Kid" (1926)
"The Terror" (1926)
"West of Rainbows End" (1926)
"The Man from the West" (1926)
"Hi-Jacking Rustlers" (1926)
"Set Free" (1927)
"The Western Rover" (1927)
"The Two Outlaws" (1928)
"Bullets and Justice" (1929)
"The Arizona Kid" (1929) aka Persued


"The Man Who Laughs" (1928)

"Lightnin Girl"

"Call of the Klondike" (1926)

"The Yellow Cameo" (1928) - 10 bolumluk seri...

"The Laws Lash" (1928)
"Marlie the Killer" (1928)
"Fangs of Fate" (1928)
"The Avenging Shadow" (1928)

Harry Piel ve "Grief" - Your Best Friend" (1929)

Your Best Friend" (1929)

"Flash" at home.

"Shadows of the Night" (1928)
"Under the Black Eagle" (1928) -
"Honeymoon" (1929)
"Flaming Signal" (1933)
"Death Fangs"
"Crack-Up" (1934)
"Wild Waters" (1935)
"Timberesque" (1935)
"Call the Mesquiteers" (1938)

Flash'in oglu "Friday" da 1940 baslarinda sinemalarda rol almistir.


Billed as "The Emperor of all Dogs"

"Untamed Justice" (1929) -
"Phantoms of the North" (1929) -
"Sign of the Wolf" (1931)
Serial "The Lone Trail" (1936)


"Trailing the Killer" (1932)


Billed as "The Dog Marvel" and "The Wonder Dog"

"Jaws of Justice" (1933) -
"Ferocious Pal" (1934) -
"Fighting Fury" (1938)


"Timber Terrors" (1934) -
"Courage of the North" (1935)
"Captain" and "Lady"

"Fighting to Live" (1934)

( Grandson of Strongheart )
Billed as "The Wonder Dog" and "The Marvel Dog"

When Lightening Strikes" (1934) -
"Mans Best Friend" (1935) -
"Wings in the Dark" (1935)
"A Dog of Flanders" (1935) -
"White Fang" (1936) -
"Two in Revolt" (1936)
"Renfrew of the Royal Mounted" (1937) -
"Thorobreds All" (193?)

White Fang (1936)


Inside Information" (1934) -
"Million Dollar Haul" (1935) -
"Captured in Chinatown" (1935)
" LOBO "

"The Marvel Dog"

"The Adventures of the Masked Phantom" (1938)

Unlu torun Rin Tin Tin II unlu aktor kopek Rin Tin'in anilmasi icin sahibi Lee Duncan'a hizmet ediyor..
1930 sonlari ve 1940 baslarinda yeni Alman Coban kopekleri beyaz perdeye katildi. Bunlar: Ace - Captain Boots - Smokey - Shadow - Friday - Flame ve Mr. Duncan'in 10 seneden sonra sinemalara getirdigi kopegi Rin Tin Tin III

1940 li yillarda Mr. Duncan zamaninin cogunu ordu icin kopek egitmekle geciriyordu.Sonunda 1947 de Rin-Tin-Tin III u beyaz ekrana tanistirdi.. Ve bilinen tek filmi olan

"The Return of Rin-Tin-Tin". de basrol oynatti.


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